September 22, 2007

The case of the missing notebook

My talent for losing things has reached its pinnacle. My photography notebook, with all my film, contact sheets and notes, has somehow disappeared. I have no clue where it has gone. All I know is that it was in my house yesterday afternoon, when I showed my roommate Cindy some pictures I had taken of her. From there I believe the little green devil migrated down the hall to Cindy's room with the rest of my stuff, because we had guests last night, and I was sleeping in her room. When I looked for it this morning, it was gone.

HOW in the name of all that is holy does this happen? I mean, it's not like I dropped my keys somewhere, or my cell phone. It's an average sized green notebook with pictures jammed into it. A little hard to miss. So much for going to class...instead I get to play Nancy Drew.

1 comment:

Michael Hickerson said...

Did the good fairy move it while cleaning?